Originating from the mountainous rainforests of Costa Rica emerges the enchanting Monstera Esqueleto, also recognized as Monstera Epipremnoides.
The term ‘Esqueleto’ translates to ‘skeleton’ in Spanish, a fitting description given its distinctive features. Its sizable leaves exhibit a characteristic “double fenestration,” with a series of small holes along the midribs and a larger set of holes positioned between the smaller ones and the leaf edges.
Maintaining your Monstera Esqueleto proves to be relatively straightforward. These plants thrive under conditions similar to other tropical Monsteras, necessitating:
- Moderate to bright, indirect light.
- Well-draining potting mix.
- High humidity, ideally exceeding 70%, although they can endure average room humidities.
- Exercise caution to avoid overwatering.
This article aims to provide comprehensive guidance for the flourishing of your Monstera Esqueleto. Additionally, we will educate you on how to distinguish the Esqueleto from other well-known fenestrated Monsteras.
Let’s delve into the details.

Nurturing Your Monstera Esqueleto
Light Care
Thriving beneath the leafy canopy of wild trees, your Monstera Esqueleto thrives on bright yet indirect light. When cultivated indoors, East-facing windows prove optimal, although South and West-facing ones can suffice if positioned a few feet away from the window.
Bright, indirect light is often underestimated. To gauge whether your plant receives adequate light, extend your hand approximately 12 inches (30cm) towards the light source.
A proper light level is indicated by your hand casting a dark shadow with slightly blurred edges. If the shadow’s edges appear crisp, your plant might be exposed to too much direct light. Conversely, an almost imperceptible shadow signals the need to relocate your Monstera to a brighter location.
Ensuring your Monstera Esqueleto receives ample light is crucial for showcasing those stunning fenestrations.
Cultivating Outdoors
Your robust Monstera Esqueleto is well-suited for outdoor growth in USDA Hardiness zones 9b-11, making it an excellent addition to your patio or garden. When placing it outdoors, opt for a location with partial shade or dappled light, steering clear of direct sunlight.
While your plant generally thrives in such conditions, you can gradually acclimate it to more intense light by incrementally exposing it over time. Begin with an hour in a brighter spot before returning it to its original, darker position. Gradually extend the exposure each day until it comfortably spends the entire day in the brighter location.
Watering Wisdom
In its natural habitat, this epiphytic marvel spends a significant portion, if not all, of its life above ground, ensuring its aerial roots enjoy ample air. While your plant appreciates a thorough soak, it’s crucial to facilitate quick drying.
Emulate its natural setting with the ‘soak and dry’ method:
- Water your plant when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
- Water deeply and gradually, avoiding wetting the leaves.
- Allow your plant to dry thoroughly! Empty the saucer after watering and ensure the pot has drainage holes.
- Abstain from watering until the topsoil is completely dry.
- Choose a well-draining and airy potting mix, as discussed further in the Soil section.

Humidity Harmony
Given its tropical origins, your Monstera thrives in high humidity. Aim for humidity levels above 70%, although it can tolerate average room humidity.
For a consistent and enduring humidity boost, a humidifier proves to be the most effective tool.
Fun fact: High humidity aids photosynthesis by keeping the plant’s stomata open, facilitating the absorption of essential carbon dioxide. In contrast, low humidity prompts stomata closure to prevent water loss through evaporation.
Temperature Tidbits
Maintain temperatures between 60-80 degrees F (16-27 degrees C) to keep your Monstera content. If you experience colder months, consider bringing a potted Monstera Esqueleto indoors, as it is not resistant to cold or freezing temperatures. Temperature drops may result in slower growth, so providing a stable, moderate environment ensures your plant’s well-being.
Flowering Facts
When kept indoors, your Monstera Esqueleto rarely blossoms.
Growth Insights
The leaves of the Monstera Esqueleto can reach an impressive size, up to 2 feet (61cm) in length! However, their growth is comparatively slow, especially when measured against other members of the genus like the Adansonii and the Deliciosa.
The extensive fenestrations in the leaves contribute to this leisurely growth. Encompassing up to 80% of the leaf surface, the large holes mean the plant has a reduced area for manufacturing food essential for growth.
Climbing Support Strategies
Facilitate upward growth by using a moss pole to support your plant. This not only provides stability for the vining plant but also encourages rapid growth and the development of larger leaves.
Curious to learn more? Explore our article on the advantages of moss poles and how to effectively utilize them.
For an added touch of enjoyment, consider stackable moss poles – increase their height as your plant ascends to greater heights.

Optimal Soil Composition
Selecting the right growing medium is crucial, and for your Monstera Esqueleto, opt for a potting mix that is rich, airy, and well-draining. Commercial soils without additional amendments tend to be too dense for this Aroid.
Consider blending the following components:
- 1 part indoor potting mix
- 1 part perlite
- 1 part orchid bark
- A handful of horticultural charcoal
We recommend Miracle-Gro indoor potting mix for its rich organic content. Perlite aids in moisture retention while enhancing drainage.
Incorporating orchid bark and charcoal creates essential air pockets within the soil. This allows the roots to breathe and ensures excess water drains freely. To complete the setup, use a pot with drainage holes to prevent your plant from being trapped in stagnant water.
Fertilization Guidelines
Enhance the well-being of your Esqueleto by applying a gentle dose of liquid indoor houseplant fertilizer, but exercise caution to avoid overdoing it. Incorporate the fertilizer at half strength into the plant’s watering routine, ensuring it is adequately diluted. Apply this mixture once every 8 weeks during the active growing season, and refrain from fertilizing in the fall and winter.
Repotting Recommendations
Monitor your plant for signs of becoming root-bound, and if observed, initiate repotting. Indications of a root-bound plant include roots protruding from drainage holes, sluggish or stunted growth, or immediate water drainage through the pot, indicating insatiable thirst.
Follow these repotting tips for optimal results:
- Hydrate your plant 24 hours before repotting to minimize transplant shock.
- Gently remove your plant from its current pot and refresh the soil.
- Choose a pot only 2 inches (5cm) larger than the original.
- Abstain from watering for a few days following repotting.

Toxicity Warning
According to the ASPCA, your Monstera Esqueleto is toxic when ingested by animals and humans. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals in its stems and leaves, which can cause injury to sensitive mouth tissues when chewed or swallowed. Symptoms of ingestion may include nausea, vomiting, and the formation of kidney stones.
For those seeking pet and child-friendly alternatives, consider plants like Hoyas, Peperomias, or Calatheas.
Propagation Procedures
Stem cuttings offer the most straightforward method for propagating your Monstera Esqueleto. Given the plant’s slow growth, be patient as propagation can take some time. Elevating humidity aids in the rapid establishment of new plants. If a humidifier is unavailable, consider covering the stem cuttings with a clear plastic bag supported by chopsticks.
Water Propagation (Stem Cuttings)
- Select a healthy stem segment, approximately 5 inches (13cm) long, ensuring it has at least one leaf.
- Snip the chosen section just below the node, where new growth emerges.
- Remove leaves from the lower half of the stem cutting.
- Place the stem cuttings in a jar filled halfway with water, ensuring the nodes are submerged while leaves remain above the water.
- Position the water jar in a warm area with bright, indirect light, refreshing the water every few days.
- Once roots reach about 2 inches (5cm) in length, replant in a lightly-moist potting mix.
Soil Propagation (Stem Cuttings)
- Follow steps 1-3 as outlined in the water propagation method.
- Plant the stem cuttings directly into potting mix, maintaining even soil moisture.
- Choose a well-lit location with ample indirect light.
- In approximately 4-6 weeks, roots should establish. Test by gently tugging the plant; resistance indicates root growth.
- Treat the propagated plant as you would any other Monstera Esqueleto.
Division Method
An uncomplicated propagation technique involves dividing your plant and its roots. Exercise caution not to harm the roots excessively.
- Water your plant the day before to facilitate easier removal from its pot.
- Unpot the plant.
- Examine the rootball, freeing compacted soil from the roots.
- Using your fingers, divide the plant into individual sections, minimizing damage to the roots.
- Pot each section into appropriately-sized pots, avoiding overpotting.

Pruning Tips
If you observe dead or wilted leaves, promptly trim them using sterilized shears. This practice redirects the plant’s energy towards healthy and new growth. To maintain cleanliness and prevent cross-contamination of bacteria, fungi, or pests, sterilize your shears with a 70% isopropyl solution.
Common Issues & Troubleshooting
- Yellow leaves: This is often a sign of overwatering. Ensure you water only when the topsoil is dry, and utilize a well-draining potting mix.
- Brown crispy leaves: Insufficient water or humidity is typically the culprit.
- Droopy leaves: Inconsistent watering practices can lead to droopy leaves. Reevaluate your watering routine and check soil moisture to determine if over or under-watering is the issue.
- Leaves not splitting: Insufficient light is usually the cause, but explore other potential reasons in our dedicated article.
- Houseplant pests: While your plant is relatively resistant to pests, no plant is entirely immune. Common pests include spider mites, mealybugs, fungus gnats, and scale. Combat these with a diluted solution of neem oil or Bonide Insecticidal soap spray, serving as a broad-based insecticide. Neem oil can also be used preventatively – refer to our article on how to implement this measure.

Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I buy a Monstera Esqueleto?
- Specialist online suppliers, such as Etsy or Ebay, are the most convenient avenues to acquire this rare beauty.
Is Monstera Esqueleto rare?
- Yes, it is considered rare, and unfortunately, it comes with a hefty price tag. Expect to invest around US$150-200 for a small starter plant, with prices for more established Esqueletos varying based on size.
Why is the Monstera Esqueleto so expensive?
- The high price is primarily attributed to a limited supply and sustained high demand for the Esqueleto.
Does a variegated version of the Monstera Esqueleto exist?
- There is no clear evidence of a variegated version. While genetic mutations preventing chlorophyll production can occur spontaneously, the existence of a variegated Esqueleto remains unconfirmed. No variegated versions have been observed online or in person.
If you’re looking for a variegated fenestrated Monstera, check out the Monstera Lechleriana Albo & its associated care guide.
- To explore variegated fenestrated Monstera options, consider looking into the Monstera Lechleriana Albo, and refer to its specific care guide.

Care Summary for Your Monstera Esqueleto
Your Monstera Esqueleto, with its stunning fenestrations, thrives best when treated with care. Follow these guidelines to ensure its well-being:
- Light:
- Provide bright, indirect light for optimal growth.
- Potting Mix:
- Utilize an airy potting mix by incorporating perlite, orchid bark, and charcoal into indoor potting soil.
- Support for Climbing:
- Offer a moss pole to facilitate climbing, providing stability and encouraging robust growth.
- Watering:
- Water only when the topsoil is dry, ensuring a balanced moisture level.
- Drainage:
- Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
- Humidity:
- Maximize humidity levels for your tropical plant, using methods such as a humidifier.
- Fertilization:
- Apply a light dose of fertilizer every 8 weeks at half strength during the active growing season.
- Temperature:
- Maintain mild indoor temperatures to create an ideal environment for your Monstera Esqueleto.